Saturday, December 22, 2012

12 Days Of Perezmas! 4 Justin Bieber Stage ... - SpinnerNews


On the fourth day of Christmas, our true love gave to us…

4 Justin Bieber Stage Moments U Won’t Belieb!!!

Bieby knows that the show MUST go on no matter what!

Between puking on stage, taking a fall, getting pelted with cell phones, and singing about his Jelena breakup, Justin had some of his most eventful personal moments on his Believe tour — in front of THOUSANDS of his most devoted fans!

And here we thought Santa was generous with his 5 Awkward Kristen Stewart Interviews! Ha!

Here are some of Justin’s most unBELIEBable performances of 2012!

Bieber Fever Strikes Justin Himself! Throws Up On-Stage MID-PERFORMANCE! [CLICK HERE]

Justin Bieber Takes A Tumble With Carly Rae Jepsen! Bieber Goes BOOM! [CLICK HERE]

Justin Bieber Lashes Out After Fans Take Advantage Of Concert Swaggy! WATCH! [CLICK HERE]

Justin Bieber Tells Selena Gomez To Cry Me A River! Performs Justin Timberlake Song During Believe Tour The DAY Of Break-Up Announcement! [CLICK HERE]

[Image via Tumblr]



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