Monday, December 24, 2012

Do You Think Justin Bieber Is Gay? » Google Chrome Book ...

December 24th, 2012 by admin Leave a reply »

I noticed that in pitures of him his lips are always shiny and often differnet colors. Also he dreeses really trendy but combines alot of different styles like he’s more worried about the looks than it’s who he is. I mean, come on, he was waering skinny jeans like a goth/skater and a baseballcap with the visor straight like a hip-hop guy all with a big white watch like a 13 year old girl would wear. Plus he’s already 18 years old but his singing voice still sounds like he’s 12. Also I saw a picture of him riding his motorcycles and he has red riding boots for the red bike and yellow for the yellow one. Not to mention his chrome painted sportscar… What’s more disturbing is that he was signing autographs for people and there were younger kids present but when he got annoyed by the walky talky of his security gaurd he yelled some curse words about the noise! I know hw dated Selena Gomez but that may just be a cover to hide his gayness. If you don’t believe me then watch the interview on the interent when he gropes the leg of the oriental woman interviewing him. It appears to me that here he was “acting” like he has a thriving sex drive for women but I’m more convinced taht he’d rather be groped by his true love Usher.

So do you agree with me that Jusitn is gay?


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