Thursday, December 20, 2012

Justin Bieber Banned From The Philippines?! |

Da Beebz pulled some visual & verbal punches, and the Philippine government is NOT pleased!!

After Philippine boxer Manny Pacquiao experienced defeat at the expert hands of Juan Manuel Marquez on Dec 8th, Justin Bieber quickly took to Instagram and posted a photoshopped pic of Michael Jackson dancing with Manny's falling body.

The photo was accompanied by the caption:

"Pacquiao doing the lean with MJ .. Classic moment."

Bieber's online mockery of Pacquiao — who also serves in the Country's House of Representatives — did not tickle the ribcage of Philippine politicians…

So a few congressmen decided to release a chastising statement, which explains:

"Mr. Bieber should have known that the Hon. Pacquiao has reached his stature as such as a result of sheer hard work, determination and firm belief in God, and despite such stature best exemplifies humility and grace even in defeat."

The statement even suggests Justin publically apologize unless he wants to be declared "persona non grata," meaning he would not be allowed in the country!

Jeeze, poor Beebz!

He was pranked by a 12-year-old boy, he's maintaining a tumultuous relationship with on-again, off-again lover Selena Gomez, was recently made aware of a MURDER plotted against him, and now an entire country is saying he can't come visit?!

Better apologize Justin! Unless you wanna alienate an entire population!

To see the offensive picture that so enraged a nation, mosey on down (below)!

[Image via Retna LTD.]

Tags: banned, boxer, falling, government, image, justin bieber, manny pacquiao, michael jackson, offensive, photo, statement, the philippines


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